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Plan now to come out to our first Car Boot Sale!

That is what they call a garage sale in the back of your car, the trunk (boot), and everything that can be displayed on a card table or whatever.

However, on this day, there will be 20 of these Car Boot Sales all in one location!

In addition to the Car Boot Sales, you can do lots of browsing in the St. Stephen's Hall where there will be tables of everything from plants, clothing, and jewelry to crafts, and baked goods.

There will be live music located near the BBQ's, and in the Hall there will be an area for you to rest with a hearty bowl of soup.

So, put this date in your calendar, and come out to have fun while supporting our Camp in the Community.

Admission is free to all ages. But we ask that you leave your pets at home, for their health and safety (and of course that of our custmers too!).

If you know someone interested in reserving a spot for the Car Boot Sale, or one of the tables in the Hall, contact the Parish office immediately, because they are going fast!